11 de Abril, 2018
BRITÁNICO´S Debate Club 2018
You will be able to develop the following skills: public speaking, negotiation & teamwork, research and writing.
- You should be currently studying at the Britanico
- Students from Intermediate 5 (up to advanced levels) are welcome
- You should be at least 15 years old
Sign up from April 16 th to May 3 rd by writing to the call center email: informes@staging.britanico.edu.pe or calling 615-3434
The sessions will be held at BRITÁNICO Los Jardines, Pueblo Libre, Surco and San Borja.
Find below information about the first class – its dates & scheduled time:
SURCO | MAY | SATURDAY 12 TH | 10:00 a 13:00 |
PUEBLO LIBRE | 15:00 a 18:00 | ||
LOS JARDINES | MAY | SATURDAY 19 TH | 10:00 a 13:00 |
SAN BORJA | 15:00 a 18:00 |